#Burger-Ping meets HaKe

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New Member
Folgendes kommt bei mir wenn ich in den thread bug? gehen will:
Warning: mysql_query(): Unable to save result set in /var/www/web/bping.de/html/wbb2/acp/lib/class_db_mysql.php on line 65

Database error in WoltLab Burning Board (2.2.1): Invalid SQL: SELECT p.*, pc.cache, u.userposts, u.regdate, u.signature, u.email, u.homepage, u.icq, u.aim, u.yim, u.msn, u.showemail, u.receivepm, u.usercanemail, u.ratingcount, u.ratingpoints, u.gender, u.invisible, u.title, u.lastactivity, u.allowsigsmilies, u.allowsightml, u.allowsigbbcode, u.allowsigimages, u.disablesignature, r.ranktitle, r.rankimages, at.attachmentname, at.attachmentid, at.attachmentextension, at.attachmentsize, at.counter, i.iconpath, i.icontitle , uf.* , av.avatarid, av.avatarextension, av.width, av.height , g.useronlinemarking FROM bb1_posts p LEFT JOIN bb1_users u USING (userid) LEFT JOIN bb1_ranks r USING (rankid) LEFT JOIN bb1_attachments at ON (p.attachmentid=at.attachmentid) LEFT JOIN bb1_icons i ON (p.iconid=i.iconid) LEFT JOIN bb1_postcache pc ON (p.postid=pc.postid) LEFT JOIN bb1_userfields uf ON (uf.userid=p.userid) LEFT JOIN bb1_avatars av ON (u.avatarid=av.avatarid) LEFT JOIN bb1_groups g ON (u.useronlinegroupid=g.groupid) WHERE p.postid IN (0,21331,21333,21334,21339,21398,21415,21425,21436,21438,21444,21484)ORDER BY p.posttime ASC
mysql error: Got error 127 from table handler
mysql error number: 1030
mysql version: 4.0.21-log
php version: 4.3.9-1
Date: 12.11.2004 @ 19:02
Script: /wbb2/thread.php?threadid=1351&boardid=13&sid=
Referer: http://www.bping.de/wbb2/hmportal.php?sid=

Ist das bei euch auch so?