HaKe Netzspion
Be sure to bookmark: Current HoN Patch Notes. It will always have the most current patch notes. No more searching google!
Version 0.1.65
- Significant Lane Creep AI changes
* These all involve the assist trigger that causes the creeps to aggro you when you attack an enemy hero:
1. When a hero causes the assist trigger to go off, there is a 200ms delay before the creeps will turn and come at you
2. Creeps will chase for exactly 1600ms (down from 1800ms)
3. If a creep is in the middle of an attack animation but has not hit its attack impact point (600ms), it will de-aggro and stop its attack as long as you are out of it’s short melee range
* AKA: Creeps will not finish attacks they start on you if they hit the end of the trigger
4. A creep must deal damage before it can be called by the assist trigger again
* This means if you tug, they must turn around and actually deal damage to a unit before it can chase again
5. You must be within 600 units of an enemy hero to cause the assist trigger to go off
- Added a stringtable entry for Meatball
- Updated the ramps to be better
- Fixed a bunch of inconsistent in game messages that showing the incorrect killer/victim colors
* Legion is now Red and Hellbourne is now Green
- Kongor now has unitwalking by default
* This fixes the exploits that caused him to be trapped in his lair
- Updated Russian Stringtables
- Added a Patch Notes button in place of the Create Account button on the main screen
* This was a Mod, thanks to Thread 65344 and Sephinator
- vid_meshGPUDeform false now works (only for openGL)
- Fixed a bug where the “No Leaver” flag wasn’t reset at the end of matches
* This was causing players to see a message saying they were unable to join a game because they had too many leaves when selecting a server that was previously setup with the “No Leaver” game option.
- Fixed the Pre-Query Filter button so it saves it’s settings again
- Added an “Official” icon to the game lobby when games are official
- Updated “Invite to game” functionality to display all relevant game information
Items (4)
Barbed Armor
- Fixed to actually return 80% damage (was returning 75%)
Sacrificial Stone
- Gains 25 health per charge
- Gains .25 health regen per charge
Portal Key
- Cooldown lowered by 4 seconds
- Recipe now has a stock of 3 to start, with a recharge time of 10 minutes per recipe
Heroes (6)
- Slow on Flaming Hammer increased to 15,20,25,30 (from 10,15,20,25)
- Flaming Hammer lowers magic armor by 2,3,4,5 of anyone it is on
- Frenzy buff gives 7,14,21,28% cast speed as well
- Updated effects for all abilities. Now darker!
- -25% Movespeed for 2 seconds after Stalk ends
Moon Queen
- Multi-Strike, when toggled on, will now only bounce attacks to other visible enemy heroes when the primary target is also a hero
Pollywog Priest
- Morph changed to instant cast time (from 300)
- Voodoo Wards re-arranged to make trapping slightly easier (a hole in the middle, naturally)
- You can now deny people under the effect of Sage’s Lore
Patch Issues
~~~~ A lot of people are having issues with seeing the game list after the patch. I personally am not having this issue. (I live in the US though) So I looked through the forums and this is the response from S2. I put this in the comments, but I’ve noticed people searching for it and figured this is the better place for it. ~~~~
Quoted from S2Idejder
“Make sure your pre-query filter is checked…. I know some people got this and it was fixed by toggling the filter on and off a few times to refresh it”
Quoted from S2JamesTown
“More than likely the reason for this is due to the Pre-Query Filter breaking in last patch. The button still works, but it doesn’t default to *ON* nor does it remember the value you last selected, so in the mean time (until the next patch) you will have to select the checkbox manually each time you start the client. Normally the filter is turned *ON* by default, so even those who are not familiar with what it does would be benefiting from the functionality it provides but for those who are unfamiliar with it I will explain a bit.
When someone requests a game list from the master server without the Pre-Query Filtering enabled, your client is telling your master server that you want a listing of every single server that is currently not in game but eligible for players to join the game lobby. What this equates to is during peak hours, you are requesting the master server to send you a list of 500-800 servers, which comes out to between 500-700K of data that you need to download in a short amount of time. If your connection is unable to download this and times out, you won’t see any games listed. If the filter is *ON* your client tells the master server to ONLY send the servers for the specified region you have selected. This means you download a server list normally between 50 and 250, instead of 700 so it’s much faster to refresh and much better suited for higher latency or slower download connections.
The filter will be fixed next patch and you should see this problem go away. “
© Kirei for A Gamer of Sorts Blog, 2010. | Permalink | 6 comments | Add to del.icio.us
Post tags: Heroes of Newerth - BETA, patch, patch notes
Version 0.1.65
- Significant Lane Creep AI changes
* These all involve the assist trigger that causes the creeps to aggro you when you attack an enemy hero:
1. When a hero causes the assist trigger to go off, there is a 200ms delay before the creeps will turn and come at you
2. Creeps will chase for exactly 1600ms (down from 1800ms)
3. If a creep is in the middle of an attack animation but has not hit its attack impact point (600ms), it will de-aggro and stop its attack as long as you are out of it’s short melee range
* AKA: Creeps will not finish attacks they start on you if they hit the end of the trigger
4. A creep must deal damage before it can be called by the assist trigger again
* This means if you tug, they must turn around and actually deal damage to a unit before it can chase again
5. You must be within 600 units of an enemy hero to cause the assist trigger to go off
- Added a stringtable entry for Meatball
- Updated the ramps to be better
- Fixed a bunch of inconsistent in game messages that showing the incorrect killer/victim colors
* Legion is now Red and Hellbourne is now Green
- Kongor now has unitwalking by default
* This fixes the exploits that caused him to be trapped in his lair
- Updated Russian Stringtables
- Added a Patch Notes button in place of the Create Account button on the main screen
* This was a Mod, thanks to Thread 65344 and Sephinator
- vid_meshGPUDeform false now works (only for openGL)
- Fixed a bug where the “No Leaver” flag wasn’t reset at the end of matches
* This was causing players to see a message saying they were unable to join a game because they had too many leaves when selecting a server that was previously setup with the “No Leaver” game option.
- Fixed the Pre-Query Filter button so it saves it’s settings again
- Added an “Official” icon to the game lobby when games are official
- Updated “Invite to game” functionality to display all relevant game information
Items (4)

- Fixed to actually return 80% damage (was returning 75%)

- Gains 25 health per charge
- Gains .25 health regen per charge

- Cooldown lowered by 4 seconds

- Recipe now has a stock of 3 to start, with a recharge time of 10 minutes per recipe
Heroes (6)

- Slow on Flaming Hammer increased to 15,20,25,30 (from 10,15,20,25)
- Flaming Hammer lowers magic armor by 2,3,4,5 of anyone it is on
- Frenzy buff gives 7,14,21,28% cast speed as well

- Updated effects for all abilities. Now darker!

- -25% Movespeed for 2 seconds after Stalk ends

- Multi-Strike, when toggled on, will now only bounce attacks to other visible enemy heroes when the primary target is also a hero

- Morph changed to instant cast time (from 300)
- Voodoo Wards re-arranged to make trapping slightly easier (a hole in the middle, naturally)

- You can now deny people under the effect of Sage’s Lore
Patch Issues
~~~~ A lot of people are having issues with seeing the game list after the patch. I personally am not having this issue. (I live in the US though) So I looked through the forums and this is the response from S2. I put this in the comments, but I’ve noticed people searching for it and figured this is the better place for it. ~~~~
Quoted from S2Idejder
“Make sure your pre-query filter is checked…. I know some people got this and it was fixed by toggling the filter on and off a few times to refresh it”
Quoted from S2JamesTown
“More than likely the reason for this is due to the Pre-Query Filter breaking in last patch. The button still works, but it doesn’t default to *ON* nor does it remember the value you last selected, so in the mean time (until the next patch) you will have to select the checkbox manually each time you start the client. Normally the filter is turned *ON* by default, so even those who are not familiar with what it does would be benefiting from the functionality it provides but for those who are unfamiliar with it I will explain a bit.
When someone requests a game list from the master server without the Pre-Query Filtering enabled, your client is telling your master server that you want a listing of every single server that is currently not in game but eligible for players to join the game lobby. What this equates to is during peak hours, you are requesting the master server to send you a list of 500-800 servers, which comes out to between 500-700K of data that you need to download in a short amount of time. If your connection is unable to download this and times out, you won’t see any games listed. If the filter is *ON* your client tells the master server to ONLY send the servers for the specified region you have selected. This means you download a server list normally between 50 and 250, instead of 700 so it’s much faster to refresh and much better suited for higher latency or slower download connections.
The filter will be fixed next patch and you should see this problem go away. “
© Kirei for A Gamer of Sorts Blog, 2010. | Permalink | 6 comments | Add to del.icio.us
Post tags: Heroes of Newerth - BETA, patch, patch notes