#Burger-Ping meets HaKe

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HoN News: Heroes of Newerth Patch 2.2.4


HaKe Netzspion

Before HoN 3.0 comes, there will be patches like these.

Ronin - Samurai X
HoN 2.2.4 Changelog

- The same rune can no longer spawn twice in a row!
- Fixed items being delivered from the courier backwards
- Fixed up some voices and sounds to not be as loud or jarring

== Items of Newerth in 2.2.4 ==

- Revelation Wards: Starts off 0 of 6 in the shop with a 90 second cooldown
- Wards of Sight: Starts off 2 of 4 with a cooldown of 2 mins 30 seconds

== Heroes of Newerth in 2.2.4 ==

- Added a new Alt Avatar: Ronin Swiftblade
- Gladius Beardicus (Kunkka) has some new effects added

- Starting base damage from 38-52 to 40-50

- Regurgitate given a linger time of 0.5 seconds on the damage portion (the slow part already had it)
- Lowered damage on Regurgitate from 40/65/90/115 to 30/55/80/105 (the total amount of damage becomes roughly the same total damage because of the linger)
- Demonic Pathogen manacost from 115/125/135/145 to 105/110/115/120
- Corpse Conversation requires 3/6/9/12 corpses now where 3 gives you 2 minions

- Damage range from 39-51 to 41-49

- Double-Activating Ice Imprisonment will cast on yourself now
- Increased radius on each instance of Glacial Downpour from 190 to 350
- Decreased damage from 105/170/250 to 60/100/140 (170/250/310 to 100/140/180 when using Staff of the Master)
* Basically gives the ultimate less randomness

- Berserk is no longer purgable or transferable

- More Axes mana cost from 30 to 25
- Matraxe health gain from 20 to 20/25/30

- Ophelia’s Judgment teleport from 5.7/4.7/3.7/2.7 to 6/5/4/3
- Command movespeed buff from 0/15/30/45 to 0/10/20/30

- Starting base damage from 39-53 to 41-51
- Whiplash no longer gives passive base damage increase
- Fixed Voodoo Puppet to only do bonus damage to the target (It was also doing bonus damage to the puppet)
- Voodoo Puppet no longer has magic armor

- Summon Hellhounds damage increased from 18/29/37/46 to 20/29/38/47
- Summon Hellhounds armor increased from 0 to 2

== Bugfixes ==

- Night Hound's stealth is no longer scripted badly
- Drunken Master Lunge and Kraken Torrent now check for being stunned in a more efficient way

Barbed Armor
- Made its activation not break channeling

Dust of Revelation
- Set frontqueue, inheritmovement and noninterrupting to true
* This means you will no longer 'hitch' or pause when using it

Mock of Brilliance
- Made the toggle not break channeling

- Fixed Aurora hitting a bit behind her

- Fixed Spiderling so it dies properly when the target that it's supposed to hit gets deleted

Blood Hunter
- Fixed a bug where attacks/spells/items targeting yourself and/or allied heroes will put the Feast state on them

- Fixed Bubbles' Shell Surf hitting units behind him
- Optimized his Kelp Field's scripting in the distance check
- Fixed small typo in his Song of the Sea

Forsaken Archer
- Fixed interactions with Magebane's Mana Rift

- Fixed a bug where Hammerstorm's projectile stunned at the target's new position if they disjointed on the same frame that the projectile impacts

- Fixed Lion's Pride effects playing through fog

- Fixed an effect playing through fog

Monkey King
- Fixed his Illusive Dash's state expiration so it won't displace Monkey King with the second dash if Monkey King is invulnerable at the time the state expires

- Fixed Defile so it doesn't consume any charges if you hit a building

- Fixed a super-rare bug where she and her illusion got double the Death Lotus kunai if she respawned on the same frame the skill went off cooldown

In other news:
Blizzard Entertainment challenges HoN with Blizzard DOTA

Happy Halloween!

p.s. Newerth is now haunted. Winter is coming!
