HaKe Netzspion
Heroes of Newerth Version 2.6.21
== General ==
- If you have purchased all 7 Deadly Sins, you will now have their Collector's Edition effects enabled on all of your Collector's Edition avatars - Merrick's Treasure Chest - From Patch 2.6.21 through Patch 2.6.22 with the purchase of any $40.00 coin package you will receive a free early release avatar for Pirate Gunblade! This avatar will be available exclusively with the purchase of the $40.00 Gold Coin package until patch 2.6.22
Extra Notes:
Heroes of Newerth is the 2nd most popular Lane Pushing Strategy Game in the world - 2nd only to Valve's Dota 2.

== General ==
- If you have purchased all 7 Deadly Sins, you will now have their Collector's Edition effects enabled on all of your Collector's Edition avatars - Merrick's Treasure Chest - From Patch 2.6.21 through Patch 2.6.22 with the purchase of any $40.00 coin package you will receive a free early release avatar for Pirate Gunblade! This avatar will be available exclusively with the purchase of the $40.00 Gold Coin package until patch 2.6.22
Extra Notes:
Heroes of Newerth is the 2nd most popular Lane Pushing Strategy Game in the world - 2nd only to Valve's Dota 2.