HaKe Netzspion
HoN Community Contest - Make a Trailer Video (300 USD prize money)
To: All Videographers!
Deadline for submissions: October 8, 2010
Prize: $300
Show us why you love HoN in your own custom Heroes of Newerth trailer. Videos must include gameplay footage, showcase both the Hellbourne and Legion sides, have some music as well as sound effects and include both the S2 Games and HoN logos at least once. There is no limit on the length of the video. You can host the video yourself or host the video on YouTube.
Send us a link to your submission at community (at) s2games.com!

To: All Videographers!
Deadline for submissions: October 8, 2010
Prize: $300
Show us why you love HoN in your own custom Heroes of Newerth trailer. Videos must include gameplay footage, showcase both the Hellbourne and Legion sides, have some music as well as sound effects and include both the S2 Games and HoN logos at least once. There is no limit on the length of the video. You can host the video yourself or host the video on YouTube.
Send us a link to your submission at community (at) s2games.com!