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Heroes of Newerth 2.0 Question and Answer with Idejder
Heroes of Newerth 2.0 Sneak Peek (NeutralCreeps.com)
PC Preview: Heroes of Newerth 2.0 (WorthPlaying.com)
Watch the GiantBomb.com HoN 2.0 Video:
What's New in Heroes of Newerth 2.0 (GiantBomb.com)
15 HoN 2.0 Questions with Idejder
1. HoN 2.0 Projected Release Date?
Barring any last-minute issues, Heroes of Newerth 2.0 is scheduled to go live on or about December 13, 2010.
2. If you get coins for kills, why should I not KS everyone?
Coins are given for large kill streaks (more than Bloodbath) and Annihilation. The person that got these events are not given the coins, the whole team is.
Team effort!
3. Are you really gonna change the minimap to a LoL style map, with those green ugly LoL-like dots?
The minimap is changing to be more interactive. You can hover over building to see their health, wards to see their time left, and heroes to see their health/mana/inventory.
Overall it's a vast improvement.
4. Can we still play the game we know and love now? We don't HAVE to play this 'casual' game all the time?
Right, Casual is an optional mode just like any other.
5. Will we get coins retroactively?
No, coins will not be give for past wins. Only future wins using Matchmaking.
6. Is Casual Mode replacing Easy Mode?
Not so much as Easy Mode is being removed.
7. Will these cosmetic changes have the potential to confuse what me about what hero I'm looking at? For example, in the Myrmidon video there is a hero I can't identify. It could either be Soulstealer, Nymph, or a new hero. Will this sort of confusion be something that happens once and never again?
We have tried to keep the alternative skins and avatars as close as possible to the original hero in tone, color, and size so that the confusion is at a minimum. So far we think we have done a great job and once you see a hero ingame it is obvious which one it is. The one 'farthest' away from this is the Scorpion, since it just has nothing to do with the original model but was highly requested.
8. Will coins be shared between normal account and sub account. If I unlock a skin on my main account will it be available on my sub account (and other way around)?
Yes, coins and everything in the store is globally shared through main and sub accounts.
9. Will we be able to gain coins in no stats games?
You only get coins from Matchmaking games.
10. How will you stop people from purchasing a new skin (or grinding it) and then releasing it as a mod?
We won't. In fact, we don't mind if you do. To go further on this, you don't even need to grind out the avatar, because it will already be on your computer when you download the patch. Like all mods though, it will be local. The fun part about alternate avatars is that other people can see them too.
11. The achievements will be implemented on HoN 2.0? If yes, they will count as a way to earn coins?
We do not have achievements in the traditional sense; instead, we will have career goals that you can achieve to make coins. These goals are recursive and can be obtained multiple times.
12. How is the map editor going to work and will map submission be similar to dream hero creation?
DREAM will encompass maps soon.
13. Why did HoN choose to go this route? Will this mean with more funds we can expect faster hero addings?
A lot of people, including those on other forums, are making the supposition that we're doing this for financial reasons--this isn't true. We're doing this with two primary goals in mind:
1. Getting more people to play HoN.
2. Getting people who play HoN to play it more.
Everything in 2.0 has been designed around those two ideals.
14. Can you shed a light on ways of getting coins, besides killstreaks?
Some examples:
Winning, Losing, getting a "Quick Victory", playing games consecutively, Bloodlust, Immortal, Annihilation, and you get bonuses when you hit certain lifetime marks for Total Wins/Assists/Wards Placed/Smackdowns.
15 Will it be possible to have some of the cool features if you ain't rich?
Everything--and I mean everything--in the shop is purchasable through playing the game. This will never change. So just play the game a lot
Last Notes From Idejder regarding Heroes of Newerth 2.0:
S2 is a PC game developer. We are not a console developer, mobile developer, or anything else of the sort. We are still doing things old school--dedicated servers, scaling graphics, multi-platform support, free updates--in an age where other developers charge for the most basic of amenities like map packs (remember when those were free?). Everything we put in front of you for 2.0 is purchasable simply by playing the game--something you probably already enjoy, given your number of games played. You could choose to ignore the shop completely, mod out all the alternate skins, and just pretend 2.0 never happened--but you should still be happy that we will increase the community size of the game, streamline the features so far, and continue to provide. You should also see this as a giant step forward, one giant step of many to come.
Heroes of Newerth 2.0 is a free update to all players, so if you own Heroes of Newerth, you're getting the 2.0 update without any additional charge.
Still don't have a HoN account? Get one for yourself this Christmas!
League of Legends Community Opinions about HoN 2.0
HoN 2.0 is being tagged as LoL 2.0. A vast improvement of the free to play Dota game.
HoN, a session based online Dota genre game will be releasing a huge patch this December entitled HoN 2.0.
You can read the details about HoN 2.0 from:Heroes of Newerth 2.0 Sneak Peek (NeutralCreeps.com)
PC Preview: Heroes of Newerth 2.0 (WorthPlaying.com)
Watch the GiantBomb.com HoN 2.0 Video:
What's New in Heroes of Newerth 2.0 (GiantBomb.com)
15 HoN 2.0 Questions with Idejder
1. HoN 2.0 Projected Release Date?
Barring any last-minute issues, Heroes of Newerth 2.0 is scheduled to go live on or about December 13, 2010.
2. If you get coins for kills, why should I not KS everyone?
Coins are given for large kill streaks (more than Bloodbath) and Annihilation. The person that got these events are not given the coins, the whole team is.
Team effort!
3. Are you really gonna change the minimap to a LoL style map, with those green ugly LoL-like dots?
The minimap is changing to be more interactive. You can hover over building to see their health, wards to see their time left, and heroes to see their health/mana/inventory.
Overall it's a vast improvement.
4. Can we still play the game we know and love now? We don't HAVE to play this 'casual' game all the time?
Right, Casual is an optional mode just like any other.
5. Will we get coins retroactively?
No, coins will not be give for past wins. Only future wins using Matchmaking.
6. Is Casual Mode replacing Easy Mode?
Not so much as Easy Mode is being removed.
7. Will these cosmetic changes have the potential to confuse what me about what hero I'm looking at? For example, in the Myrmidon video there is a hero I can't identify. It could either be Soulstealer, Nymph, or a new hero. Will this sort of confusion be something that happens once and never again?
We have tried to keep the alternative skins and avatars as close as possible to the original hero in tone, color, and size so that the confusion is at a minimum. So far we think we have done a great job and once you see a hero ingame it is obvious which one it is. The one 'farthest' away from this is the Scorpion, since it just has nothing to do with the original model but was highly requested.
8. Will coins be shared between normal account and sub account. If I unlock a skin on my main account will it be available on my sub account (and other way around)?
Yes, coins and everything in the store is globally shared through main and sub accounts.
9. Will we be able to gain coins in no stats games?
You only get coins from Matchmaking games.
10. How will you stop people from purchasing a new skin (or grinding it) and then releasing it as a mod?
We won't. In fact, we don't mind if you do. To go further on this, you don't even need to grind out the avatar, because it will already be on your computer when you download the patch. Like all mods though, it will be local. The fun part about alternate avatars is that other people can see them too.
11. The achievements will be implemented on HoN 2.0? If yes, they will count as a way to earn coins?
We do not have achievements in the traditional sense; instead, we will have career goals that you can achieve to make coins. These goals are recursive and can be obtained multiple times.
12. How is the map editor going to work and will map submission be similar to dream hero creation?
DREAM will encompass maps soon.
13. Why did HoN choose to go this route? Will this mean with more funds we can expect faster hero addings?
A lot of people, including those on other forums, are making the supposition that we're doing this for financial reasons--this isn't true. We're doing this with two primary goals in mind:
1. Getting more people to play HoN.
2. Getting people who play HoN to play it more.
Everything in 2.0 has been designed around those two ideals.
14. Can you shed a light on ways of getting coins, besides killstreaks?
Some examples:
Winning, Losing, getting a "Quick Victory", playing games consecutively, Bloodlust, Immortal, Annihilation, and you get bonuses when you hit certain lifetime marks for Total Wins/Assists/Wards Placed/Smackdowns.
15 Will it be possible to have some of the cool features if you ain't rich?
Everything--and I mean everything--in the shop is purchasable through playing the game. This will never change. So just play the game a lot
Last Notes From Idejder regarding Heroes of Newerth 2.0:
S2 is a PC game developer. We are not a console developer, mobile developer, or anything else of the sort. We are still doing things old school--dedicated servers, scaling graphics, multi-platform support, free updates--in an age where other developers charge for the most basic of amenities like map packs (remember when those were free?). Everything we put in front of you for 2.0 is purchasable simply by playing the game--something you probably already enjoy, given your number of games played. You could choose to ignore the shop completely, mod out all the alternate skins, and just pretend 2.0 never happened--but you should still be happy that we will increase the community size of the game, streamline the features so far, and continue to provide. You should also see this as a giant step forward, one giant step of many to come.
Heroes of Newerth 2.0 is a free update to all players, so if you own Heroes of Newerth, you're getting the 2.0 update without any additional charge.
Still don't have a HoN account? Get one for yourself this Christmas!
League of Legends Community Opinions about HoN 2.0
HoN 2.0 is being tagged as LoL 2.0. A vast improvement of the free to play Dota game.