HaKe Netzspion
[S2]Nigma from Germany, is now officially the Heroes of Newerth Community Manager.
You may know Nigma from the HoN Video Guides.
Nigma's Mission Statement:
Follow him on Twitter: @NigmaHoN
You may know Nigma from the HoN Video Guides.

Nigma's Mission Statement:
S2 Games is determined to offer you the best product possible, and I am determined to do my part in facilitating that possibility. We expect to be judged by our accomplishments and merits alone, and the size of our company should not be relevant in either criticism or defense.
Nigma's Course of Action: Increase transparency and understanding between the HoN development team and the Heroes of Newerth players.
Expect Nigma to:*Post regular "What S2 is working on" articles outlining what's in the works, what's soon to come, and what's on the minds and beards of the Gorilla guys.
*Utilize forum threads, polls, and other tools to identify the most pressing needs and concerns of the community.
*Hold contests and events that allow you all to showcase your unique interests and talents.
Welcome Nigma! Our new Heroes of Newerth community manager.*Utilize forum threads, polls, and other tools to identify the most pressing needs and concerns of the community.
*Hold contests and events that allow you all to showcase your unique interests and talents.
Follow him on Twitter: @NigmaHoN