#Burger-Ping meets HaKe

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HoN News: Nome Speaks About Geomancer - HoN contest winner


HaKe Netzspion

Richard "Nome" Liu Talks About Serqet (Temporary Name)

No, this is not Geomancer from DotA (Meepo)

Serqet - Upcoming INT HoN hero
(Winner of the Heroes of Newerth Hero Contest - Intelligence)

Since there's this huge hullabaloo on the forums over Geomancer (winner of INT contest), I figure I might as well start sharing tidbits of progress on him. I'll eventually post pictures and videos of the hero in progress, but for now, you'll have to deal with some sugary text and a really, really crappy teaser.

* The temporary name I have bestowed upon the Geomancer is "Serqet", which Google spit up for as the name for the Ancient Egyption scorpion god. I'm using the Scorpion Magmus model as temp art while I rig up the hero, so it seemed fitting, as I tend to dole out mythological names to all the heroes I work on. Cerberus, Midas, and Ashtoreth are some of my other heroes sitting in the "waiting to be implemented" pool. Take from that what you will.

* I am the only one working on Geomancer for now. We have Empath, the previously unannounced hero I mentioned in my earlier tweets, and perhaps one or two more before Serqet becomes the primary focus.

* The base design is actually extremely sound and lends to some very fun gameplay. Credit this to Phobis and Chibbi, the original designers of the hero--they knew what they were doing. I think of Geomancer as a very mature design--it's extremely simple, but very effective and unique.
