HaKe Netzspion
Download link: http://dl.heroesofnewerth.com/HoNClient-2.0.24.exe
Version 2.0.24
- Fixed a stringtable error with
Engineer’s Spider Mines
- Fixed a cosmetic shop model that was missing
- Fixed Nomad’s third level of Sandstorm giving 1500% movespeed
- Updated the icon for Rosie Engineer
Version 2.0.23
- Fixed the Zzz above creeps for player controlled units
- Vagabond Leader,Minotaur, and Catman Champion now no longer use abilities against Magic Immune units
== Items ==
- Token of Life duration lowered from 10 minutes to 7 minutes
* Kongor’s respawn time is still 10 minutes
Bastard Sword removed from the game
Halberd removed from the game
Fortified Bracelet renamed to Fortified Bracer
Talisman of Exile renamed to Amulet of Exile
Great Arcana renamed to Arcana
Assassin’s Shroud
- Fixed a tiny bug where if you had a high enough attackspeed you can proc Shroud bonus damage more than once on the same Shroud state.
Bastard Sword replaced with a
- Recipe cost increased by 200
- Old:
Bolstering Armband,
Halbred, 1150 Recipe
* +6 Str, +30 Damage, Bash
- New:
Mighty Blade,
Quickblade, 1100 Recipe
* +10 Str, +10 Agi, +20 Damage, Bash
Runed Axe
- Renamed to Runed Cleaver
Bastard Sword replaced with a
- Damage lowered from 65 to 55
Savage Mace
- Old:
- New:
- Cost lowered from 2400 to 2200
== Heroes ==
- Added a new Agility hero: Nomad
- Added a new Alt Avatar: Nomaddin
- Added a new Alt Avatar: Rosie Engineer
- Essence Link fixed so it links correctly when the person she is inside is moving very quickly
- Made the detection if the target becomes invulnerable better
- Push from Turret increased by ~20%
- Damage from Energy Field changed from % based to 28/58/88 per second to all units inside
- Tinker removed. Replaced with Spider Mines
- Spider Mines
* 7 second cooldown, 90/100/110/120 Manacost
* Activate to consume one charge to place a Spider Mine at your location. Up to 9 may be placed at one time, each dealing 150/200/250/300 Magic Damage.
* Up to 1/2/2/3 charges may be stored, refreshing every 30 seconds
* Spider mines are stealthed and appear when an enemy comes near them, chasing them until contact.
- Fixed illusions from switching targets if the target becomes invulnerable
- Improved the server performance of her stances and illusions
Forsaken Archer
- Fixed an exploit with effects and Crippling Volley
Pollywog Priest
- Made the target animate properly after finishing Tongue Tied
- Made damage on Carnivorous be nonlethal
* Fixes Predator killing enemy units when he shouldn’t be
- Fixed Stampede’s projectile going through invulnerability
- Fixed Electric Eye so that if you use Detonate on the Eye, then it will put Scout’s Detonate ability on cooldown
- The silence will no longer hit mechanical units
- Altered the effects of Poison Spray to fix it shooting off in the wrong direction
- Fixed the dual-red wings so it moves with the target if the target is pushed
- Frost modifier priority changed to fix issues in a real game with her projectile being invisible
Related posts:
© Kirei for A Gamer of Sorts Blog, 2011. |Permalink |No comments |Add todel.icio.us
Post tags: 2.0.23 patch, 2.0.24 patch, patch notes
Version 2.0.24
- Fixed a stringtable error with

- Fixed a cosmetic shop model that was missing
- Fixed Nomad’s third level of Sandstorm giving 1500% movespeed
- Updated the icon for Rosie Engineer
Version 2.0.23
- Fixed the Zzz above creeps for player controlled units
- Vagabond Leader,Minotaur, and Catman Champion now no longer use abilities against Magic Immune units
== Items ==
- Token of Life duration lowered from 10 minutes to 7 minutes
* Kongor’s respawn time is still 10 minutes





- Fixed a tiny bug where if you had a high enough attackspeed you can proc Shroud bonus damage more than once on the same Shroud state.

- Recipe cost increased by 200

- Old:

* +6 Str, +30 Damage, Bash
- New:

* +10 Str, +10 Agi, +20 Damage, Bash

- Renamed to Runed Cleaver

- Damage lowered from 65 to 55

- Old:

- New:

- Cost lowered from 2400 to 2200
== Heroes ==
- Added a new Agility hero: Nomad
- Added a new Alt Avatar: Nomaddin
- Added a new Alt Avatar: Rosie Engineer
- Essence Link fixed so it links correctly when the person she is inside is moving very quickly
- Made the detection if the target becomes invulnerable better

- Push from Turret increased by ~20%
- Damage from Energy Field changed from % based to 28/58/88 per second to all units inside
- Tinker removed. Replaced with Spider Mines
- Spider Mines
* 7 second cooldown, 90/100/110/120 Manacost
* Activate to consume one charge to place a Spider Mine at your location. Up to 9 may be placed at one time, each dealing 150/200/250/300 Magic Damage.
* Up to 1/2/2/3 charges may be stored, refreshing every 30 seconds
* Spider mines are stealthed and appear when an enemy comes near them, chasing them until contact.

- Fixed illusions from switching targets if the target becomes invulnerable
- Improved the server performance of her stances and illusions

- Fixed an exploit with effects and Crippling Volley

- Made the target animate properly after finishing Tongue Tied

- Made damage on Carnivorous be nonlethal
* Fixes Predator killing enemy units when he shouldn’t be

- Fixed Stampede’s projectile going through invulnerability

- Fixed Electric Eye so that if you use Detonate on the Eye, then it will put Scout’s Detonate ability on cooldown
- The silence will no longer hit mechanical units

- Altered the effects of Poison Spray to fix it shooting off in the wrong direction

- Fixed the dual-red wings so it moves with the target if the target is pushed

- Frost modifier priority changed to fix issues in a real game with her projectile being invisible
Related posts:
- 3.5 Heroes of Newerth Patch Notes
- Heroes of Newerth Patch Notes 1.0.9
- [HoN] 1.66 Patch Notes (Not Released Yet)
© Kirei for A Gamer of Sorts Blog, 2011. |Permalink |No comments |Add todel.icio.us
Post tags: 2.0.23 patch, 2.0.24 patch, patch notes