#Burger-Ping meets HaKe

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HoN News: Emerald Warden Guide - HoN Hero Guides


HaKe Netzspion

Heroes of Newerth Hero Guides: Emerald Warden

Hero Name: Emerald Warden
Affiliation: Legion
Primary Attribute: Agility
Introduced: HoN 2.0.37

I'm not a goat.

Emerald Warden is an AGI hero on the Legion Side.

Emerald Warden's Background Story:

From a lost scout's journal: This visage of a great horned beast, imposing in stature and ornately bejeweled, descends to us a representative of an unknown druidic sect of beasts. At his behest lesser creatures of the forest fall under command, and when his bow is raised a foe shall fall.

Emerald Warden Skills Guide

Emerald Warden Skill # 1: Silencing Shot

Fire a powerful arrow at a target, dealing damage and silencing it.

Emerald Warden Skill # 2: Hunter's Command

Summon two uncontrollable wolves that seek out the two nearest heroes in range, including those in fog, damaging and slowing them on collision.

Emerald Warden Skill # 3: Overgrowth

Grow an invisible Overgrowth at a target location, entangling enemies that trigger it.

Emerald Warden Skill # 4: Summon Gawain (Ultimate)

Permanently gain an uncontrollable familiar. Gawain gains Diving Strike at level 1, Forest's Touch at level 2, and Emerald Storm at level 3.

He has 600 Clearvision.

What is your suggested Emerald Warden Hero and Item Build?

Watch the HoN Video Spotlight on Emerald Warden.
Read all about the other Heroes of Newerth Guides on Heroes.
