#Burger-Ping meets HaKe

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HoN News: Heroes of Newerth Patch 1.0.15


HaKe Netzspion

HoN Patch 1.015 has just been released

Download this version (HoN 1.0.15) via Auto-update.
Or Download the Heroes of Newerth client at:

Trick or Treat?

Heroes of Newerth Patch Version 1.0.15 Changelog

== General ==

- Halloween on Newerth has arrived...

- Increased the number of hero slots on the picking screen.
- Quick stats favorite hero % will now display correctly for accounts with over 32,000 seconds played on that hero
- Added EM % to quickstats
- Fix for that infinite life infinite spawn simpleemitter particle on the background effect
- Fixed almost all of the tooltip bugs and errors thanks to ElementUser
- Removed the "All Heroes" option
* All games are now "All Heroes" by default
- The "selected" buff icons no longer incorrectly pop / blink
- Fixed Bloodlust gold reward from not being logged correctly
- Updated French stringtables for the tutorial, courtesy of QualQuek, Bass, Jelucyr, Tyr00, Neuroleptik.
- Normalized the building gold and Kongor kill gold
- Hid some states that should not have been shown

Flavor Tooltip Implementations

Credits to the following:
-Gladiator's Pitfall: You're going dow... I mean up! (Tommy)

-Gladiator's Flagellation: When in doubt, whip it out. (EvilPiggy)

-Tundra's Call of Winter: Shiver and Coeurl, I choose you! (MaxHax)

-Gladiator's Call to Arms: This isn't Sparta...THIS IS NEWERTH! (Gravenimage`)

-Doctor Repulsor's Electric Frenzy: Electrician ain't got nothing on me. (RUSty )

-Gladiator's Showdown: Stay near tower, I pull dem runners in! (Sentura)

-Tundra's Avalanche: I've frozen Mammoths in these things. (Zann)

-Doctor Repulsor's Opposite Charges: Two wrongs make it just right. (Saves)

-Tundra's Piercing Shards: They call me the lumberjack. (Squirtle)​
== Neutral Creeps ==
*Tribute to NeutralCreeps.
- Added some new effects to the neutrals who have abilities


- Kongor now has a larger health bar
- Kongor now has 75% Magic reduction
- Kongor base armor lowered from 3.5 to 3
- Kongor attack range increased from 100 to 128
- Added effects and partial tweaks to his stomp

== HoN Item Changes ==

- Crow ferrying now refills to 2/3 instead of full

- Fixed it to be a proper sum of its part
* From 11 Damage to 12 Damage
* From 15 Attack Speed to 25 Attack Speed

Logger's Hatchet
- No longer works on Kongor

Mana Battery
- AoE radius from 1600 to 1200
- Health gain from 12 to 10 per charge
- Cost from 210 to 200

Power Supply
- AoE radius from 1600 to 1200
- Health gain from 15 to 10 per charge
- Cost from 290 to 240

Ghost Marchers
- No longer let you move through Pollywog Priest's Voodoo Wards

== Heroes ==

- New Legion Int hero, Bombardier
View Hero Details of Bombardier above.

- Tagged a lot of hero abilities so they will only play the custom voice response instead of two overlapping ones
- Added new debuff states for Swiftblade's Blade Frenzy, Magmus' Steam Bath, and Tempest's Meteor so players know when they are taking damage and when they are not

- Correctly hid her stunned state
- Base agility from 27 to 26
- Strength gain from 2.3 to 2.1
- Dimensional Link aura radius from 900 to 800
- Aurora AoE from 300 to 275, damage from 25/50/75/100 to 40/65/90/115

Blood Hunter
- Fixed him gaining health from illusions

- Shell Surf now disjoints

- Tar Toss
* Cooldown from 25/20/15/10 to 18/15/12/9
* Cast action time from 0.25 to 0
- Sawblade Showdown
* Initial damage increased from 100/200/300 to 200/300/400
* Fixed bug that placed a lingering DoT on enemies who ran through the saws quickly which artifically increased its damage
* Can not take the initial damage again for 2s after leaving the saws even if you re-enter them

Corrupted Disciple
- Can no longer get an infinite damage boost in certain situations

Dark Lady
- Dark Blades' damage increase lowered from 50/70/90/110% to 50/60/70/80%
- Taint Soul cast range from 1200 to 800/900/1000/1100

- Fixed up Willowmaker's tooltip to list duration of debuffs

- Maximum health gained from devouring from 100/150/200 to 75/125/175 per charge
- Fixed tooltip on Devour to display correct duration of charges (7s per charge, incorrectly listed 10s)

- Cooldown on Electric Shield from 2 secs to 0.5 secs
- Cleansing Shock SotM effect changed: instead of bouncing, it purges target and yourself at the same time
- Cleansed now loses its movespeed bonus smoothly over the whole duration
- Purge damage on summoned units is now pure instead of magical

- Fixed Burning Shadows so it does not reveal enemies hit for a longer time than intended

Flint Beastwood
- His Flare effect will no longer play in the fog
- Fixing a bug causing him to say several different voice responses when using Flare

- Fixed Grapple hit detection while right next to someone

- Removed the attack, replaced with a slow aura with 7/14/21/28% 300 radius AOE slow

- Projectile speed of Torrent increased from 1000 to 1250

- Terrifying Charge
* Damage is now instant instead of through an attack
* The increased movespeed is kept for an additional second
- Decapitate range increased from 150 to 175

- Allied units will no longer 'block' the casting of Lava Surge

- Removed silence from Flick, made it a stun instead

- Increased casting speed of Puppet Show and Voodoo Puppet
* Cast action time lowered from 500ms to 300ms

- Will no longer gain charges if he dies and an attack is in midair that kills something

- Shiver is no longer Magic Immune, but is now Splash Immune

- No longer applies his silence aura to enemy heroes he cannot see

- Mojo can now be double activated to cast on self
