HaKe Netzspion
Heroes of Newerth Version 2.0.12 is now out!
HoN 2.0.12 Changelog
- Fixed an issue causing Myrmidon's Weed Field and Behemoth's Fissure to hit units in a wider area than they should have
- Empath's Essence Link will now display its beam properly through the fog of war
* Note: Empath will not be able to see the beam if her target is in the fog. The target will, however, be able to see the beam if Empath is in the fog
- If the target dies prematurely, Empath's Essence Link will no longer continue to give health to the host of her As One With Empath skill
- Empath can no longer target allied illusions with her As One skill
HoN 2.0.12 Changelog
- Fixed an issue causing Myrmidon's Weed Field and Behemoth's Fissure to hit units in a wider area than they should have
- Empath's Essence Link will now display its beam properly through the fog of war
* Note: Empath will not be able to see the beam if her target is in the fog. The target will, however, be able to see the beam if Empath is in the fog
- If the target dies prematurely, Empath's Essence Link will no longer continue to give health to the host of her As One With Empath skill
- Empath can no longer target allied illusions with her As One skill