HaKe Netzspion
Heroes of Newerth Version 2.0.15
HoN 2.0.15 is now out with a few fixes for the huge HoN realignment patch.
HoN 2.0.15 Patch Notes
- Fixed Armadon
- Fixed Alchemist Bones always starting with 1 charge
- Fixed the End Game Match screen so it properly references Silver Coins
Credits to the people below for their Flavour Tooltip implementation on Dampeer:
Dampeer Skill: (Q) Terrorize
Tooltip: "BOO!"
Suggested by: Killocity / Donovan / Jainay
Dampeer Skill: (W) Vampiric Flight
Tooltip: "Like a bat outta hell!"
Suggested by: Gorb
Dampeer Skill: (E) Bloodthirst
Tooltip: "Bloody Maries for everybody!"
Suggested by: ShAdOw_LaNcE / nuotti / CrimsonAdder / Imbisill
Dampeer Skill: (R) Consume
Tooltip: "To nom, or not to nom? That is the question."
Suggested by: iHurtZ
HoN 2.0.15 is now out with a few fixes for the huge HoN realignment patch.
HoN 2.0.15 Patch Notes
- Fixed Armadon
- Fixed Alchemist Bones always starting with 1 charge
- Fixed the End Game Match screen so it properly references Silver Coins
Credits to the people below for their Flavour Tooltip implementation on Dampeer:
Dampeer Skill: (Q) Terrorize
Tooltip: "BOO!"
Suggested by: Killocity / Donovan / Jainay
Dampeer Skill: (W) Vampiric Flight
Tooltip: "Like a bat outta hell!"
Suggested by: Gorb
Dampeer Skill: (E) Bloodthirst
Tooltip: "Bloody Maries for everybody!"
Suggested by: ShAdOw_LaNcE / nuotti / CrimsonAdder / Imbisill
Dampeer Skill: (R) Consume
Tooltip: "To nom, or not to nom? That is the question."
Suggested by: iHurtZ