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Nick des Cheater: POLYURITAN
Steam_ID des Cheater: STEAM_STEAM_0:0:6717798 18:26 141 0 active
Spieltyp (CS:S oder CS 1.6): CS:S
Server auf dem der Cheater aktiv war (Mapname, IP ort): #Burger-Ping CS:S [Dust2 Only], IP:
Player fLynG loWbirD i$ a pornstar
Bantype SteamID
SteamID STEAM_0:1:223513
IP address no IP address present
Invoked on 04-12-2005 - 18:14
Banlength Permanent
Expires on Not applicable
Reason cheaten
Player jakob
Bantype SteamID
SteamID STEAM_0:0:5981001
IP address no IP address present
Invoked on 04-12-2005 - 18:18
Banlength Permanent
Expires on Not applicable
Reason cheaten
Player bIub
Bantype SteamID
SteamID STEAM_0:0:6420680
IP address no IP address present
Invoked on 04-12-2005 - 18:22
Banlength Permanent
Expires on Not applicable
Reason cheaten
Player IronMan
Bantype SteamID
SteamID STEAM_0:1:8328648
IP address no IP address present
Invoked on 04-12-2005 - 18:25
Banlength Permanent
Expires on Not applicable
Reason cheaten
Player \P Cumslut
Bantype SteamID
SteamID STEAM_0:1:6079912
IP address no IP address present
Invoked on 04-12-2005 - 18:31
Banlength Permanent
Expires on Not applicable
Reason cheaten
Player kaLLEgaCE
Bantype SteamID
SteamID STEAM_0:1:3110406
IP address no IP address present
Invoked on 04-12-2005 - 18:38
Banlength Permanent
Expires on Not applicable
Reason cheaten
Player s1m
Bantype SteamID
SteamID STEAM_0:0:3379427
IP address
Invoked on 04-12-2005 - 21:53
Banlength Permanent
Expires on Not applicable
Reason Cheaten
Player Badboy
Bantype SteamID
SteamID STEAM_0:1:3528408
IP address no IP address present
Invoked on 09-12-2005 - 22:21
Banlength Permanent
Expires on Not applicable
Reason cheaten
Player Playboy
Bantype SteamID
SteamID STEAM_0:1:8264774
IP address no IP address present
Invoked on 09-12-2005 - 22:23
Banlength Permanent
Expires on Not applicable
Reason cheaten
Player J@ZZ
Bantype SteamID
SteamID STEAM_0:0_9066683
IP address no IP address present
Invoked on 09-12-2005 - 22:26
Banlength Permanent
Expires on Not applicable
Reason cheaten, Gesperrte waffen kaufen
Player opfer
Bantype SteamID
SteamID STEAM_0:0:9669000
IP address no IP address present
Invoked on 11-12-2005 - 00:10
Banlength Permanent
Expires on Not applicable
Reason cheaten : wallhack
Player -|_:inkI::_|-
Bantype SteamID
SteamID STEAM_0:1:8293640
IP address
Invoked on 10-12-2005 - 23:51
Banlength 6000 mins
Expires on 15-12-2005 - 03:51 (4 days 3 hours 41 mins remaining)
Player WTF
Bantype SteamID
SteamID STEAM_0:0:1372851
IP address no IP address present
Invoked on 11-12-2005 - 19:18
Banlength 10080 mins
Expires on 18-12-2005 - 19:18 (6 days 23 hours 59 mins remaining)
Reason BugUsen, massives campen
video vom bugusen und campen hab ich auch, wer will muss lieb fragen
Player -------
Bantype SteamID
SteamID STEAM_0:1:7234869
IP address no IP address present
Invoked on 11-12-2005 - 21:20
Banlength Permanent
Expires on Not applicable
Reason cheaten
Player B@sHi is mY SchNIDL
Bantype SteamID
SteamID STEAM_0:1:6400043
IP address
Invoked on 11-12-2005 - 22:52
Banlength Permanent
Expires on Not applicable
Reason Cheaten
Player Hizbullah
Bantype SteamID
SteamID STEAM_0:1:4705046
IP address no IP address present
Invoked on 13-12-2005 - 17:06
Banlength Permanent
Expires on Not applicable
Reason cheaten
Player :-|_:inkI::_|-:
Bantype SteamID
SteamID STEAM_0:0:8211813
IP address
Invoked on 11-12-2005 - 22:08
Banlength Permanent
Expires on Not applicable
Reason Bugusen
Pics verfügbar
da es sich um den gleichen spieler handelt der ein zeitban bekommen hat (mit anderer id) is dieser jetz permanent