#Burger-Ping meets HaKe

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why ban ?

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New Member
Ok , my name is Paranoyak
im french and i have played in your server CS1.6 war3ft with some friends ... "whisclif and killercat" as you know.
we have both been banned from your server Sunday September 3rd in the afternoon.
i have translate your post in this forum by google.translator ...
i have understood that you banned us for "aimbot" "wallhack" "teamspeak" ?
and i wanted to know why and how can you say that ? have youseen the 3 demos ? the "Cheater" whiclif cheat and he have 6-5 at the end ?
if you want some demo of cheater who had AIMBOT and Wallhack i can show you that because im admin in different server, in other game, and i can guarante you we are not cheater ...
can you say us why ban ? because we dont understand why ..
or just unban us when you'll seen we dont cheat ? look again this demos .. in what moment this nioob whisclif cheat ???
if an admin want to talk with me in one to one :
my MSN : Snakesp53@hotmail.com
if not : just answer here please


Ex Burger-Ping Admins
Hi Paranoyak....

1. The reason for your Ban was the use of the TS2

2. server-regulate: the use of ts2 is forbidden, if this is used for the own advantage


New Member
Original von SirDYNAMITE
Hi Paranoyak....

1. The reason for your Ban was the use of the TS2

2. server-regulate: the use of ts2 is forbidden, if this is used for the own advantage

Ok, but i have to say something ,
1 : TS2 is used in match of CS you know ? we use that to play together we never speak to tell where is someone when we are dead ...
2 : we are FRENCH , in your server the admins dont talk in english so we cant explain about that
3 : TS2 is not used for "own advantage" but for playing together and train CS ... we talk about other player when we are ALIVE , like in match ... how can you ban for that ???
4 : you are a team no ? you arent using TS2 in match ?
5 : to disable TS2 problem if you are afraid about TS2 and advantage their is a command who disable the dead to see the enemies to enable ...
6 : what are the demos for ? and when can you say whisclif have "cheat" with teamspeak in their ? because we dont ...
7 : we just ask you an unban for a unfair ban Thanks


New Member
Its not that easy, paranoyak !
There are probably some rules for this server, everyone has to accept !
And if its forbidden to use TS2, then thats the way it is.
If u do use it anyway (and you just said you did), you have to face the consequences ! And dont try to tell us youre far away from ghosting...
Whats the problem in understanding this fact ?

//€dit : @ gizmo : :banghead: Schenk dir doch einfach mal unnütze Kommentare ! Ich glaub das geht wirklich jedem Member hier auf die Eier ! Du lernst es einfach nicht oder siehst es zumindest nicht ein. Finde das echt schlimm !


New Member
Ok so we are ban because we use teamspeak / ventrilo or any else software vocal like 95% of all CS team in the world ?

ps : in server rules its wrote : Voice Tools ala TS oder BC sind (bei Ausnutzung zum eigenen Vorteil z.B. bei ghosten) verboten

so without GHOSTEN use teamspeak is ALLOWED !

King Crash

Ex Burger-Ping Admins
hmm yeah so thats right, but now we (or the admins) have no evidence that u really never used it for ghosting ... dunno who banned u, but usually there's a demo recorded of an incident followed by a ban.
U could search for ur steam_ids and find out who banned u... Then it would be the best possibility to send that Admin a PN and solve the problem, im sure u'll find a good way ....


New Member
Why do u use TS in general ?
Its cheating in any way.
If you just wanna talk with someone u can use the phone too ;)
Of course, TS is free, but its normally used to talk while playing a game.
Noone can say or proove wether you are definetely ghosting or not !
The admin should have banned you for a reason. Sometimes spectating playing people you can see ghosting definetely.
Noone who uses TS can make me believe that theres no ghosting...


New Member
Maceo hat ihn gebannt.
ICh war ebenfalls zu dem Zeitpunkt auf dem server
und kann sehr gut bestätigen, dass Maceo sich mit
Whisclif unterhalten hat, dass er ts2 ausmachen soll usw.
Desweiteren hat Maceo halt gesagt, dass sie ts2 ausmachen sollen
und daraufhin haben sie nichtmehr reagiert (vorher taten sie es)
Whisclif meinte etwas wie :"I love playing in ts with killercat and paranoyak" was ja irgendwie darauf hinweist, dass er sowas wie ghosten macht...

Nochmal auf englisch? Kein ding.

Maceo has banned u .
I was on the server at this time , too and looked at it at the same way as Maceo, we both thought u were using Teamspeak to ghost,
coz of whisclif said: :"I love playing in ts with killercat and paranoyak"
and Killercat, Whisclif and u always known where the other players were..
Maceo said that its forbitten, in english of course!



New Member
Original von Bloodwrath
Maceo hat ihn gebannt.
ICh war ebenfalls zu dem Zeitpunkt auf dem server
und kann sehr gut bestätigen, dass Maceo sich mit
Whisclif unterhalten hat, dass er ts2 ausmachen soll usw.
Desweiteren hat Maceo halt gesagt, dass sie ts2 ausmachen sollen
und daraufhin haben sie nichtmehr reagiert (vorher taten sie es)
Whisclif meinte etwas wie :"I love playing in ts with killercat and paranoyak" was ja irgendwie darauf hinweist, dass er sowas wie ghosten macht...

Nochmal auf englisch? Kein ding.

Maceo has banned u .
I was on the server at this time , too and looked at it at the same way as Maceo, we both thought u were using Teamspeak to ghost,
coz of whisclif said: :"I love playing in ts with killercat and paranoyak"
and Killercat, Whisclif and u always known where the other players were..
Maceo said that its forbitten, in english of course!


yes , he like playing with me and killercat and being in teasmpeak ? and ? we use teamspeak to can talk without disturb other player because we talk a lot, you think we "ghost" whereas we dont, so i ask you to prove that in a demo or unban ! dont ban people because they use teamspeak, if we want we can use phone, ventrilo , msn, icq , the 999999 other software existing ... but we dont so its just an admin was irritated this afternoon and wanted to ban people better than him ?? so dont ban people who do nothing, without evidence, thank you


New Member
Thats it.
He banned u coz u were better than him ...
Thats an excuse, huh?
Its not that easy...

STEAM_0:0:2608833 // Whisclif

look at this Link and Read, maybe Look at the Demo, if u dont believe it.
If u think, hey... they talk about Whisclif and Killercat, why am i banned?!
Lets explain: Whisclif said that u are in teamspeak too... so its crystal clear, that u have to Ghost, or listen to ur friends while they ghost... so ure the Bad guy , too!

Lets wait for Maceo, last statement at this time...


New Member
Also ich habe denn dreien mehrmals gesagt sie sollen TS ausmachen, worauf ich mir noch beleidigungen anhören durfte, ich habe leider keine screens davon, weil mir das einfach zu kindisch war. Und zu Whisclif habe ich gesagt das er für seinen WH nen bann bekommt, worauf er mich auch noch beleidigt hat, den WH hatte er aber nur zwei tage an, danach war er so schlecht wie eh und je, aber zwei Tage sind schon zwei zuviel. Ich kann dazu nur sagen das die banns mehr als verdient sind.

P.S. Übersetzen müßt ihr das schon selber, wenn ihr das lesen wollt, ihr drei seid mir die Arbeit nicht Wert.

greetz LoKi


New Member
omg, have you seen the demos atleast ? say me WHERE HE GHOST ?
and if you wrote to me : wrote english, remember ? im not german, but french

and not im not crying "i have been ban with them ... /cry /cry /cry" ...
i dont care its just you have ban 3 people just because one guy says "i love playing with TS" without say "i love ghosting ......."

and what damn in the demo are the behavior of a cheater , have you seen the demos ??? what kill he have done was with ghosting ?

and yes we can think its because we are better than him, its maybe not less easy than it, type /top15 , where is Maceo ? where are we ? killercat and me ? whisclif "who cheat ghost" isnt here and you stole believe that .. i dont understand,

so you want to fix your error or ignore what i have saying because i have the feeling to always wrote the same things and to talk to deaf persons ....

so 2 options :
- unban and forget that and spy us some time to really see if we ghost if you have doubts .
- ignore us , close this topic and never see us again thus than our other friend french that you dont want ....

choose and write here ... bye
and thank you for listen to me


Ex Burger-Ping Admins
I have banned u, because of using TEAMSPEAK not in normal way.
It was very clear to see that u, KIllercat, and Whis give the positions of players over TS around your circle.

So I think this is not fair. For me its the same as cheating!!

Also i have seen, if one of u play alone on WC3-Server, your stats are very poor.

It was very clear to draw conclusion of your acting. U have used teamspeak for your advantage!!!!!!

Also Leute es war mehrmals eindeutig bei den DREIEN, dass sie TS zum GHOSTEN benutzten!!

Also fuer mich bleibt der BANN, was sagen die anderen?


New Member
Whisclif's cheating

Have u seen the demos? I recorded the demos. I also watched them a third time.

Have a look at demo8.dem:
Last 2 rounds in demo: Plant on b and then it seems he doesn't want to go through the door - always watching the corner right of it. He knew there was a CT.
Following round rushing at B zoomed and looking at the other end of B. He saw the one Human sitting there though wall and preaimed on him.



New Member
Ja, es ist gut so wie es ist, wegen den dreien bin ich mehrere male gestorben, nur weil sie im TS meine Position weitergesagt haben. Und das ging tagelang so und ich habe den dreien oft genug gesagt sie sollen das mit TS sein lassen, worauf eben Beleidigungen folgten, zudem hatte Whisclif noch zwei Tage gecheatet. Ich bin froh, wenn ich die drei Vögel nicht mehr ertragen muß, wer nicht hören kann muß fühlen und ich denke das der Rest genauso denkt.
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